Melvyn Green & Associates, Inc.
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Presidio Trust  Watts Tower  Project 2   Project 3   Project 4

Presidio Trust

The Presidio Trust is now the owner of most of the buildings in the Presidio of San Francisco. The remainder of the buildings, typically those along the shoreline, remain under the jurisdiction of the National Park Service. The Trust was established by an Act of Congress to develop a sustainable national park. Congress gave the Trust the responsibility to manage and develop occupancy of over 750 buildings in the Presidio.

Part of this reuse activity is the development of a compliance assurance process. Melvyn Green and Associates is providing consulting services to the Trust in developing the compliance process. This process is unusual in several ways. It needs to be: 
    A one stop permitting process
    Provide both traditional building code regulatory services in addition to the added historic preservation and sustainable design requirements
    The process must be sensitive to the needs of the developer as well as the preservation of the resource.
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